Børnehuset Lillekilde has a meal arrangement – we have that because a meal arrangement to us is much more than just healthy food – it contributes with a lot of other things in the daily life.
A meal changes in terms of atmosphere when everybody eats the same food. It is cosy, as we taste and experience through our senses together: we see, smell, taste and talk about the food on the plate. Children are curious and courageous, when they eat the same kind of food. And then it is just wonderful with a hot meal! We have a weekly day with fish, chicken, meat and vegetarian, so that there is a kind of recognizability in the menu and the favourite meals repeat themselves. The cook makes sure that the children get a varied, nutritious food and gradually get introduced to new recipes and taste experiences.
A lot of food is made for the children in Lillekilde, so they can eat until they are saturated. All meals come with vegetables with a lot of fresh, ecological vegetables as broccoli, cucumber, carrots, pepper, tomatoes etc. Furthermore, fresh fruit is available during the day for both children and staff. All in all the food arrangement is helping in creating a great food culture, where we (as part of the pedagogical work) can learn new competences as laying the table, cleaning, sharing, pass on, ask for more food etc.
Our fantastic kitchen
In Lillekilde we focus on healthy, organic food with a reduced amount of sucker and salt. The kitchen staff, makes sure that everything they serve is at least 80% organic. Our kitchen staff loves to cook – so our food is not only made with love, but also with quite the right amount of nutrition for children in the growing age.
Hot food with vegetables is served everyday for lunch except Mondays. Mondays, or the first day after closing days/holidays the children always bring their own packed lunch, as the refrigerators are empty and the kitchen staff go shopping for the the week.
The children here have the opportunity to show and compare their packed lunches, while enjoying each others company during lunch time. Also Mondays are a good day for the older kids (Bogfinken) to go on a trip away from Lillekilde and eat their packed lunch while out.
Our kitchen has an ‘elite smiley’
Breakfast and Afternoon Snacks
Until 8:45, it is possible for the kids to have some porridge, before they go to their “stue”.
In the afternoon between 14 and 15, we serve “afternoon food”. It is often bread with various cold cuts, cheese and vegetables and fruit.
We drink water to all our meals.