
In order to treat all children equally, we must treat them differently. This means to understand the fact that children develop in manifold ways and with various speed. To us it is important that children can develop the necessary competences, which makes the child ready for the next step, in its own speed. Thus, we have divided our institution into 3 age groups:

Nursery about 0-2,5 years (Sommerfuglen, Mariehønen, Brumbassen)
Middle group about 2,5-4 years (Guldsmeden)
Kindergarten about 4-6 years (Bogfinken)

The Nurseries

We have three small nurseries, each in its own house, where we in the daily life and in our choice of activities emphasize to create a warm, safe and stimulating environment. The child comes from the family unit to a small group of children where the child gets the feeling of being part of a larger unity. Here there is time to concentrate on activities based on the infant’s fundamental stage of development. The nurseries cooperate weekly regarding group activities in every way. They all assemble or in smaller groups in the tumble room or in the playground or they go on excursions or gather for funny, creative activities. The largest children from the nurseries meet twice a week as part of a socialization project before they move on and meet each other in the middle group.

The Middle Group

Here the child can find time and desire to become absorbed in the many exiting challenges of this particular age level; stop using pacifier, potty training and become free of diapers, in the long term gradually stop taking a nap, acquire a solid language, get a grip of fine motor skills and slowly increase its independence and its level of responsibility. Here the child has become part of a bigger group of children of the same age, where they together can try their strength on conflict management, creating friendships and experience what it means to be a good friend. We play with roles and personalities, dress up, explore and test limits. You can to a very large degree contribute to the fellowship in the middle group by laying/clearing the table, make 14:00 food and fruit, hang up a cup and towel for the friends, sweep, wash, perform for the friends and much more. You experience the spirit of being a co-creator of the agenda for everyday life and experience to take responsibility for your own things and actions.


When you move to the kindergarten, you are ready for new challenges. You do not need your after-dinner nap, and you have built up a self-confidence in many areas. Here you meet a big group of children, which prepares the child to the future school environment. Here you have many rooms to move about in, where the child can engage into whatever preoccupies it. There is a creative room, and there is a “school room”, if the child wants to emerge into the school universe and learn about letters, forms and numbers in a playful way, read stories aloud and much more. In the kindergarten the child gets a broader perspective of the world in the form of many projects about countries, cultures, norms and phenomena. The child gets various areas of responsibility, fine-tune its social competences and develops gradually in line with the challenges of daily life into being ready for school.

Common to all the groups is the Morning gathering (Morgensamling) before the day starts and Friday cosiness/Friday Café every Friday afternoon.