Tumble Room
Apart from the fresh air the nature gives us endlessly much space for bodily activities. But the winter can be long and we benefit a lot from our indoor tumble room. It is situated in the middle of Lillekilde’s outdoor area and is being used by all groups and all age groups.
We have fixed arrangements during the week where the small children from all nurseries for example met and practice balance and coordination, the oldest nursery children dance, sing and link music to movement. Based on our ongoing theme, weekly activities etc. we can book a time in the tumble room and use it for that purpose: theater, dance, try to use instruments, get the pulse up, listen to a story, make a motor function path, collective games that require space, see a documentary about the body, the animal kingdom, weather phenomena etc.
Being Outside
We take the children out on trips as much as possible. With our three Christiania bicycles it is possible to come very close to the traffic with the children and then we are lucky to live in an area with a lot of offers for the children. The bicycles also make it possible that we easily can divide the group and explore the nature in different ways.
If we do not go out on a trip, we always prioritize that the children anyway come out into the fresh air on our playground every day. Of course there is a difference how long time we are out during winter and summer but we go out in all kinds of weather. For the children in the nurseries it can be a trip in the pram out in the traffic to look at busses, cars and trains. For the children a bit older it can be a trip into the yard in rainy weather to jump in the puddles and make mud pies.
All children with a need to sleep, sleep outside in their own crib – there is a crib-room by the individual groups, so the children get fresh air during their after-dinner nap.